To transfer money directly into the Mosque account use the account details given below:
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
A/C Name: Stepney Shahjalal Mosque & Cultural Centre
A/C Number: 00616603
Sort Code: 30-92-21
IBAN: GB78 LOYD 3092 2100 6166 03
£2.5m has been spent, and another £1m is required to finish building phase one of construction. The remainder of the budget is urgently needed to complete this work.
This is our local Mosque and we must build this ourselves. This is “Allah’s House”. “If you build Allah’s House and then Allah will make a house in Jannah for you”. You can participate in building this Mosque. You can make one off donation of £1000 towards the building of this Mosque as being a Muslim resident. This can be donated in instalments as well. If you are a UK tax payer, you can give us permission to collect Gift Aid from HMRC to increase your donation amount. Furthermore, you can donate £1 a day or £5 a week as regular standing order until the completion of building of this Mosque. Moreover, you can ask your neighbours, friends and relatives to donate to this Mosque.